Saturday 28 June 2014

I Think The Universe Is Messing With Me

Been a few days since my last post even though I totally intended to update daily...

However, a sick kid and volunteer work has had me exhausted.

I wouldn't even have the energy to post today, did I not need to put it all somewhere.

Today I did a 14-hour shift. I met a gentleman that is interested in me and is actually somewhat local on OkCupid which I have been browsing to remind myself that there are other decent men out there...

I'm toying with the idea of going on a few dates, (avoiding relationships, I just need to get out) despite my feelings for my ex.

Who decided today was a good day to try having a big conversation to defend his sanity while I was stuck typing on a cell phone in-between trying to get work done. That conversation lasted for three hours and only served to convince me that his sanity is definitely not so present right now.

It has been a very strange day. I would like a strong drink.

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