Sunday 22 June 2014


So I intended to post something every day. Even if it was just something that happened during my day that I had to sensationalize. 

This post is barely squeaking under the self-set midnight deadline.

You see, I have spent the majority of my day elbow deep in HTML, all to deliver shiny new social media buttons in the sidebar for the all of four people who are actually read this blog.

But... I succeeded. I used this tutorial:

And it was really easy once I got the hang of it, even when I had to MacGyver a way to adjust my icon sizes.

It may have taken me all day to actually get the hang of it, where it would've taken someone familiar with HTML all of fifteen minutes, but by God, I learned something new today and I'm proud of myself. Both for learning something new, and for not smashing my computer like The Hulk in the process.

Because I sure freaking wanted to. 

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