Tuesday 17 June 2014

The Roof is Leaking!

You might think the post title a pun based on the blog title, but I live in a tiny house, and the roof really is leaking.

Funnily enough, it's an appropriate representation of my entire life right now though.

As an introduction:

I find myself at a cross-roads.

Certain health troubles have me currently unemployed and living on social assistance. I've recently gotten out of a long-term, long-distance relationship and there are residual feelings and issues to work out. I'm in the process of finally going for child support for my daughter, six years since I got out of the abusive relationship with her father. (He hasn't tried to maintain any contact with her, though he messages me once in a blue moon trying to hook up.)
I don't even know
I come from a dysfunctional family, my mother is also a single mother. She can be difficult to deal with, not least because she has narcissistic tendencies and probably stopped maturing emotionally at about the age of thirteen, though I've finally gotten to a point within my own life where I can deal with that a little easier. I have a full brother who is nearly a decade younger than myself. He's now an adult as well, though barely, and he's had some run-ins with the law, and was sexually abused by an older boy as a child. My father has never really been involved in our lives, save to occasionally drop by unannounced. My mother put up with him for years, partially, I think, out of her extreme fear of being  alone.

As you can probably imagine by this point, I did not come through unscathed.

Mental illness runs rampant throughout both sides of my family. My brother and I both have diagnosed Bipolar. As I'm stable and medicated, I prefer to keep it as much to the sidelines as possible. I'm actually doing quite well with it, though my brother is not yet. My mother probably has Borderline Personality Disorder, but refuses to acknowledge that there's anything wrong with her. This blog may touch on that, but it won't be the sole focus.

Right now, things in my own life are fairly hectic. I'm trying to find some real focus in my life. And despite the roofer having shown up and gone since I started this blog and post, the roof is still leaking... But I'm in the process of getting it fixed. Same with my life.

Tomorrow is a new day. Today, I've cleaned house, dealt with an unexpected visit from my mother, played with my daughter, made some extremely cheap meals to stretch the money we get, got an IM from my ex, and have started this blog.

Perhaps it's not much, but it's something. And maybe, in time, it will become something bigger. But I have no idea what yet. Hopefully something better than this crap. Not sure if I'm talking about the blog or my life any more.

So it goes. Welcome to my blog. Welcome to my life. I hope we'll find it useful, entertaining, or at least distracting from whatever troubles us.